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Write your resume in 10 minutes with THIS tool

Introduction to AI and ChatGPT Resume Builders

In today's digital age, creating a standout ATS resume is more critical than ever. It's your ticket to securing job interviews and landing a well-paying job.

And while traditional tools like Microsoft Word and Google Docs have long been the go-to options for resume building, the onset of artificial intelligence has made this process 10x easier, offering more advanced and efficient solutions.

Among the of tools available, chat gpt resume builders like this one stand out for their unique features and capabilities. These tools leverage sophisticated algorithms to help you create professional, polished, ATS friendly resumes that perform.

Let's delve into why chat gpt resume builders are becoming increasingly popular and how they can help you:

  • AI resume builders make it 10x easier and faster by handling everything from content to formatting and layouts.

  • They assess your information and tailor the content to highlight your strengths and experiences relevant to the job you're applying for.

  • One of the biggest challenges job seekers face is getting their resumes past ATS, which most companies use to screen applications. AI resume builders, like ChatGPT and Resumatic, create ATS-friendly resumes that improve your chances of getting noticed.

As I’ve already mentioned, Resumatic is hands-down my favorite ai resume builder. I’ve mentioned it several times because of its outstanding features that you won't find elsewhere:

  • Resumatic offers a variety of templates specifically designed to be ATS-friendly, ensuring your resume gets past initial screenings.

  • This feature assists you in writing compelling and relevant content for your resume. Whether you’re stuck on how to describe your job duties or need help with a summary statement, the AI Writer has you covered.

  • Resumatic’s scoring system evaluates your resume against key metrics, such as how well it targets the job description and the inclusion of relevant keywords. This feature provides invaluable insights into how your resume stacks up and where improvements can be made.

Below, I'll guide you through the process of building a resume using Resumatic.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Chat GPT and Resumatic Resume Builders

Creating a resume with AI tools like ChatGPT or Resumatic is straightforward and efficient. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Sign Up

Begin by heading over to the Resumatic website and signing up.

Step 2: Create a New Resume

Once you’re logged in, navigate to the main screen and click the green button at the top left labeled “Create New Resume.” This will take you to a setup wizard that will guide you through the initial stages of resume creation.

Use Resumatic chatgpt resume builder to write your resume in 10 minutes

  • Upon logging in, you'll be directed to your dashboard where you can manage all your resumes.

  • Click on the "Create New Resume" button. This starts the setup wizard, which will ask you a series of questions to tailor the resume to your needs.

  • Choose from a variety of templates offered by Resumatic. Templates are designed to be ATS-friendly and visually appealing. You can preview each template before making your selection.

Step 3: What Kind of Resume Do You Want to Create?

Next, specify the type of resume you want to create and whether it’s targeted to a particular job.

chat gpt resume builder to write your resume

For this example, let’s create a resume for an enterprise sales manager in the tech industry, targeting the same job title. This step allows you to create multiple resumes, each tailored to different roles, enhancing your chances of landing interviews in various job sectors.

  • Indicate whether you need a chronological, functional, or combination resume. Chronological resumes are ideal for showcasing a steady career progression, functional resumes highlight skills and abilities, while combination resumes offer a mix of both.

  • Enter the job title you are targeting, such as "Enterprise Sales Manager." This helps the AI customize your resume content to match the specific role.

  • If you have a job description for the position you’re applying for, upload it. Resumatic’s AI will analyze the job description to identify relevant keywords and phrases to include in your resume.

Step 4: Fill in Your Information

The setup wizard will guide you through filling in various sections of your resume. Each section is crucial for presenting your qualifications effectively:

Build a resume with a resume builder chatgpt

Contact Information

Fill in your personal details, including your name, contact information, LinkedIn profile, and portfolio site if applicable. Ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date.

  • Start with your full name and professional title. Ensure your name is prominently displayed at the top of your resume.

  • Include your phone number, email address, and physical address. Adding a LinkedIn profile link and portfolio site (if applicable) can enhance your professional image.


Enter details of your relevant work experiences. Focus on roles that are pertinent to the job you’re targeting. Use the AI Resume Writer to help you articulate your responsibilities and achievements if you get stuck.

Highlight key accomplishments and quantify them where possible to showcase your impact.

best ai resume builder

  • List your job titles, the companies you worked for, and the duration of your employment.

  • Describe your responsibilities in each role. Be specific and use bullet points for clarity.

  • Highlight your achievements using metrics and data. For example, "Increased sales by 20% over six months."


Include your educational background, such as degrees and certifications. Don’t forget to mention any relevant coursework or academic honors that align with the job requirements.

  • List your degrees, the institutions you attended, and your graduation dates.

  • Mention any coursework that is particularly relevant to the job you’re applying for.

  • Include any academic honors or awards to emphasize your academic achievements.

Finish Up

After completing all the sections, you’ll be directed to the Finish Up screen, which contains a few important features to further fine-tune your resume:.

Score Your Resume

Resumatic will grade your resume based on various metrics, including how well it targets the job description and the inclusion of relevant keywords. This scoring system provides actionable insights into how to improve your resume.

  • View a detailed breakdown of your resume score. Understand how each section is graded and where you can make improvements.

  • Check the density of relevant keywords in your resume. Ensure that the most important keywords are included and used appropriately.

Make Tweaks

You can make final adjustments to your resume, such as changing the template, font, size, spacing, and more.

  • Experiment with different templates to find the one that best represents your personal brand.

  • Adjust the font style, size, and spacing to ensure readability and a professional appearance.

Download Options

Once you’re satisfied with your resume, you can download it in various formats, including PDF and DOCX, or save it to Google Drive for easy access and sharing.

  • Choose the format that is most suitable for your application process. PDF is often preferred for its consistent formatting across devices.

  • Save your resume to Google Drive for easy access and sharing. You can also print copies directly from Resumatic.

Pro Tip

To ensure your resume fits perfectly on one page, use the ‘Auto-Adjust’ button. This feature is particularly useful if your resume is slightly more or less than one page. It also helps if you’re aiming to fit a one-and-a-half-page resume onto a single page.

The ‘Auto-Adjust’ feature automatically tweaks the layout and formatting to fit your resume on a single page. This is especially useful for adhering to industry standards and making your resume easy to read.

By following these detailed steps, you can create a professional and effective resume using AI tools like ChatGPT and Resumatic. These tools not only save time but also enhance the quality of your resume, increasing your chances of landing job interviews.

How Much Does Resumatic Cost?

While Resumatic offers a free trial, accessing more advanced features requires a subscription starting at $3/month. To make the most of these features, consider using promo code ‘Welcome20’ to get 20% off your subscription.

Comparing AI Resume Builders

While Resumatic is an excellent tool, other AI resume builders like ChatGPT also offer unique features that can enhance your resume creation process. Here's a comparison to help you decide:

  • ChatGPT Resume Builder: Known for its personalized suggestions and content generation, ChatGPT leverages advanced language models to help you craft a resume that highlights your strengths effectively. It provides real-time assistance and can answer any queries you might have during the resume-building process.

  • Resumatic: Offers ATS-friendly templates and a comprehensive scoring system to evaluate and improve your resume. Its AI Writer feature is specifically designed to help you articulate your experiences and skills.

  • Other AI Tools: There are various other AI tools available, each with unique features. Some excel in providing extensive template libraries, while others focus on keyword optimization and ATS compatibility.

Tips for Creating an Effective Resume with AI

To create an effective resume using AI tools like ChatGPT, consider the following tips:

  • Use Keywords: Incorporate job-specific keywords to pass ATS filters. Research the job description thoroughly and include relevant keywords naturally in your resume.

  • Keep It Concise: Focus on relevant experiences and skills. Avoid lengthy paragraphs and keep your resume concise and to the point.

  • Highlight Achievements: Emphasize your accomplishments with quantifiable results. Use metrics and data to showcase your impact in previous roles.

  • Proofread: Always proofread your resume for any errors or inconsistencies. An error-free resume reflects attention to detail and professionalism.

To sum it all up

AI resume builders like ChatGPT and Resumatic offer modern solutions for creating standout resumes.

By leveraging the power of AI, you can create a resume that highlights your strengths and aligns with job requirements.

These tools provide personalized suggestions, real-time feedback, and ensure your resume is ATS-friendly, improving your chances of landing job interviews. Give ChatGPT or Resumatic a try for your next resume and experience the difference in quality and efficiency.


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